Friday, June 11, 2010

My Arch Enemy...

So I have had a really good week... as far as sticking to my diet... until yesterday. I have been eating less portions, even when Hubby and I went out to eat, I have tracked what I have eaten, even made cookies that fit into my plan... So where did I go wrong you ask?

Well it was Thursday, the day my sister and I usually go out to eat, which was fine... Costa Vida Burrito, which I only ate 1/3 of, and it wasn't even smothered. Then she wanted some cakebites from THE SWEET TOOTH FAIRY dun dun dun... (picture evil music)

So I had to sample all the cakebites she got, and I had to get something or two to sample as well... and that there just set my day in a tailspin. I was trying to make up for it by being good at night, but my cute little guy helped make dinner and was the waiter. Gave me the menu, sausage with pierogies (a yummy pasta stuffed with potatoes and cheese) and a side of cheesy tater tots. Can you say HELLO CARBS ? Well I couldn't hurt his feelings and so I "ordered" them (it was the only thing on the menu) and I think he gave me the Dad size portion. So then he brings our dessert, MASSIVE bowls full of ice cream, I tell him sir I didn't order this. His reply, "YOU EAT WHAT YOU GET" needless to say his tip shrunk.

So here I go starting again today motivated to get back to doing good... oh and did I mention that on our crazy picture day my sweet hubby brought me Diet coke, and I have really been trying to cut down, so he brought me a case on Tuesday night, and I have only had 2? I am proud of myself... (I know it is small but that is big for me, especially when I am dieting too)

Day 45... ups and downs


  1. I love it! We all waver sometimes:) And how cute is it that you were "served" dinner. CUTE!
