Wednesday, January 30, 2013

1 week...

I have been taking TaiSlim for 1 week now... So far it has been great!!! In weight loss... I am down 5 pounds, and overall lost 5 inches around my various body parts... Not too shabby right? In fact when my daughter was helping take pictures and measurements she said I can tell you lost some!

I feel bad because I have been EXTREMELY stressed this week, so I didn't make any effort to pay attention to any extra energy, or how it made me feel overall... but I did notice some other very beneficial stuff!

 I LOVE my diet coke, and the first day I did have one (Thursday), but then it wasn't until Monday I realized I hadn't had one for a while, so I broke down and got one Tuesday. It was ok, but didn't really satisfy anything for me. I only took a couple sips and forgot about it. I think I felt I needed something to drink, because I am not a big water drinker, but I have really made an effort to be better.

Next when I made good dinners (which was twice this week, a HUGE record for me) I ate way less that I usually would have, and the couple times I powered through and ate what I took, it made me feel "bleh". So I have gotten better about just not taking as much. Even tonight for Brenton's birthday, we got his favorite greasy mexican joint, and I ordered my usual, and didn't even finish half of it. Then we got yummy cupcakes, I really wanted one, so I ate one all gone... and I wished I hadn't, just a bite would have been more than enough.

The next great feature... I have saved money! Sure it cost a little to invest, but I have not driven through a drive through for lunch once this week (I admit I did a couple times for kids dinner). But I don't have to buy something for lunch, or a drink or diet coke for the day.

Ready for the brutally honest part... I even cheated a little. I drank BIG diet coke the first day. I admitted I ate a cupcake, and even snatched a couple fries from the kids before I remembered, and I still lost! I haven't gone above and beyond my regular routine of exercise, just teaching my same classes.

Ready for the week 1 pics?

Again you can see I am down to 180 pounds!
Neck - 14 inches
Chest - 40 inches
Waist - 39 inches
Hips - 43 inches
Arms - 13.5 inches
Thighs - 23.5 inches
(Remember I have young help so these measurements may not be exactly accurate... I figure they will get better at it as they help me, and level off...)

Leave a comment if you want more info about this product and I will let you know what I can... or have my sister who introduced me to it respond...

Thursday, January 24, 2013

90 Day Challenge...

My Sister and her husband have embarked on a new healthy lifestyle change and business opportunity, and I get to try it out first hand!

The product is calle TaiSlim and is marketed by Freelife. The company has been around for several years, although the product is fairly new.

I am excited to try this because I weigh more than I have in my entire life, I have put on more weight being a widow than with any of my pregnancies. I am ready for a change, and I am hoping this will be it. I decided if I document my experience weekly, and share pictures of my progress I will be obligated to follow through, and to post updates. SO here are the before pictures and measurements...

As you can see, I weigh 185.
neck - 14.5 ins.
chest - 40 ins.
waist - 41 ins.
hips - 43.5 ins.
arms - 14 ins.
thighs - 24 ins.