Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A simple solution/goal

So my house is slowly getting to where I want it to be... Clean and organized. I feel I cannot continue with the repairs until I finish started projects, and get the house clean and organized so I can attack one project effectively at a time. I am glad I am "paid" up on rent through December... however if I can get stuff gone to get ahead I will gladly do so. So here is the goal. If I can get through a pile/bucket/basket a day, and organize, junk, assign it a place I will eventually get things done. Then it will be much more doable. So that is my goal, I am hoping to have it done before the holidays. If anyone who is bored and reads my poor me blogs and feels like they want to come tackle a bin with me you are more than welcome (although I really should warn you I am a little OCD and a control freak) Also I am trying to make a couple things a positive habit in my life... running/ walking each night. And also for a class I am trying to get in the habit of writing each night... maybe at this rate I will eventually finish a story... So here is to daily habits and changes! Day 119...Positive Habits!