Monday, December 27, 2010

Operation Organize

With 1 week left of vacation, I am seeing the need more than ever to get my house in order. Yes there are still major repairs that are in need of attention, but How am I going to be able to get to them if the rest of the house is in such disarray? So here is the plan...

I am going to get all the rooms cleaned out and sorted over this next week. Kids in the room I want them in, toys in their own room, Clutter gone through, and everything in a place. Yes it is a big order, but before it was the looming repairs holding me back. Now I have a plan to tackle these repairs, and if the rooms are in order, each weekend when people are offering to help with one of the major repairs, I can simply pull out the room to be renovated and then replace when it is done, but if everything else is in order it will make one room at a time go so much more smoothly.

That being said, and all the offers I have had for help... who wants to come over and keep me company while I sort and clean my house?

Day 92... wanna help?

Thursday, December 23, 2010

What was I thinking?

My brother offered to have Christmas morning at his house but dumb me asked the kids what they wanted (we usually did it at our house) and they wanted it at our house still. But they are not keeping up on their jobs at all, we keep having people drop stuff by making our already cluttered house more cluttered. Now don't get me wrong, I appreciate it more than they will ever know... I am just frustrated with my children and their lack of help... I have so much to do and not enough time to get it done it seems. But I have a deadline now.. Christmas morning... Clean house... can I do it? (on top of everything else I have to do?) Time will tell...

Day 91... Clean house... I hope!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Overall good results

My day went well, I have paid a ridiculous amount of money in fines, but it was significantly less then it could have been. I escaped with no jail time (which would have been silly anyway) and am able to pursue getting my license renewed next week. Like all items on my to do lists, I crossed one thing off and added 3 more things, but it was a HUGE thing off the list.

So hopefully I will have my license by Christmas, what a nice Christmas present!

day 90... countdown to drive!

Friday, December 17, 2010

My day in Court

Most of my close friends who know me know my driving issues and why I am not driving. Well it all comes to a head today, one way or another. With Kris gone I am forced to clear all this traffic citations up so we can be a mobile family and not depend heavily on others for transportation. So these last couple weeks I have cleared up 2 of the 3 warrants in the various cities I have received them. Today is the worst of the three, the one that started it all, with the cold hearted judge of my hometown. Everytime I would go in they would threaten jail time PLUS a huge fine. With Kris sick or not working, and all my money going towards bills, it was far easier to have Kris drive and just avoid this.... BIG MISTAKE. It has snowballed to a ridiculous amount and even with friends and family with an "IN" talking to them, they are telling me count on serving time. I retained an attorney and will see what my fate holds in 3 short hours.

I have not slept, I feel sick, I am drowning in this suffocating house that I have no desire to clean. I can only hope that this goes well, I can not be away from my kids right now!

Day 89... waiting to see...

Monday, December 13, 2010

One thing done

I tried the whole curling up and crying thing... it didn't work... I feel worse than I did, I feel no resolution, I feel like I have let people down that I blew off, but I am clean because it happened in a 3 hour long shower...(the water was off the last couple hours)

So today's goal... get back to life.
Day 88... Live

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Something Clean...

Housekeeping was NEVER my strong point, it was always Kris telling me to get things done, or nagging and complaining until it got done. Now you can tell who it was pushing for the clean house... so here is the goal part of this post...

I need to accomplish SOMETHING on this house... it just seems to get worse, and tomorrow is the ONLY day next week I will even stand a chance to get it done. So no details, no self motivation, just a simple I have to get something accomplished...

Day 87... get stuff done

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Take Note

I have been without a computer for about a week, and it killed me. I would think of stories I wanted to write, or things I wanted to blog about, and I couldn't. Now I have a computer to access and I can't remember the things I wanted to say. I don't like writing all my thoughts down with pen and paper, because 1) my writing can't keep up with my thoughts, and typing barely can. And 2) I hate retyping something I have already written... I am slow at that kind of typing.

So here is my new goal. Simply jot down my ideas when they come to me to about what to write on so I am ready next time I sit at the keyboard. I really hope I can remember them soon... some where good and I remember laying awake at night wording things in my head the right way.

Day 86... jot it down