Monday, December 27, 2010

Operation Organize

With 1 week left of vacation, I am seeing the need more than ever to get my house in order. Yes there are still major repairs that are in need of attention, but How am I going to be able to get to them if the rest of the house is in such disarray? So here is the plan...

I am going to get all the rooms cleaned out and sorted over this next week. Kids in the room I want them in, toys in their own room, Clutter gone through, and everything in a place. Yes it is a big order, but before it was the looming repairs holding me back. Now I have a plan to tackle these repairs, and if the rooms are in order, each weekend when people are offering to help with one of the major repairs, I can simply pull out the room to be renovated and then replace when it is done, but if everything else is in order it will make one room at a time go so much more smoothly.

That being said, and all the offers I have had for help... who wants to come over and keep me company while I sort and clean my house?

Day 92... wanna help?

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