Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Not myself

Lately I am feeling fat, tired, run down, sick, just not the me I like at all. I am trying my antidepressants again, and trying to cut down on fast food. I know that is a huge reason for me feeling gross... and why I have put on so much weight. I have a pass to the gym, I need to use it. I know how to eat right, I need to do it. So here is my ME goal. To try to find a diet and a time to workout that works for ME.

I have taken off the last day of March to attempt to get me house in as much ORDER as I can, so I can start April in a positive direction. Eating right, exercising, organized etc. Then hopefully some of the major projects I am working on in the house can be accomplished before school starts for me.

If anyone wants to join me in my deep cleaning Thursday, come on by! If you want to start dieting, and exercising with me give me a call as well.

I am NOT by nature the person who is overweight and feeling bleh, I am in a much better mood when I work out, and eat right... it just takes some focus on my part to do so. I am also the person who likes everything in a place and organized... I hate half assing cleaning, little piles annoy me more than the chaos my house is in. I am an all or nothing kinda gal you could say... and I am DONE with the nothing and ready to have it all... well all I can.

Day 105... back to the real me, I hope

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