Monday, February 1, 2010

What is the point ?

So I was thinking about what I dd or did not accomplish today... and why exactly I am bothering with any of this anyway... Here is what I have come up with. I still enjoy writing, and to do anything well it takes practice, so if for no other reason, this is for practice.

I also think it gives me some time to look at each day, and recognize what I have achieved each day. There are days as a parent when you think you have gotten nothing done, days at work where you wonder what if anything got through to the children you teach. and how if at all you touched someones life that day.

Today was no life changing event, but I got a 1 year old to smile at me, taught some 3-year-olds letter S and showed some young girls my love for dance!

SO why I am writing this, keeping up this lame account of goals not met, and left undone? to prove to myself that I accomplish something every day, whether or not it be the intended goals.

And for the record, yesterday I cleaned 1 room, visited with some family, and enjoyed my husbands company, and my kids and watched a movie.

Day 7... goals met...

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