Tuesday, January 11, 2011


So I am tired of people I usually simply tolerate, trying to be extra nice. They say the wrong things, and sound very fake coming from them... especially the "at least his not in pain now" thing... it is just the same trite things people say thinking it is giving comfort. But then don't go from being your phony nice and ask for something...

I am just really tired of the phony BS I think. Especially from phony people. If you are sincere follow your words with actions... offer to help, don't pretend. That is the other thing... if you are going to post to your social online world MY business... follow through... come SEE what I need... don't use me for your show.

I was grateful I had learned last year to be a gracious recipient of generosity... but being someone's charity case is another story. Don't use my situation to make yourself appear like a better person. Step up and be a better person, without try to win pity for me.

And if I am wanting to be generous, or helpful... I know my limits, let me do so. I enjoy being the thoughtful generous one occasionally... I wasn't always a charity case... and won't always be.

Now don't misunderstand my rant as I am ungrateful... quite the contrary... I am overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity shown. I have not gotten out "thank yous" because the list is so long it is one of my overwhelming tasks I keep putting off.

Day 94... Thanks... but no thanks...

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