WOW talk about a tough tempting week. It was my birthday, so I had several offers for lunch and dinner, and of course I spoiled myself with a yummy Glaus Bakery mint chocolate cake, that has been tempting me all week... BUT I STILL LOST SOME WEIGHT! I think last week I was right on with the whole bloated theory. I admit I was running late one day, and didn't make a shake for breakfast, and forgot to take one with me to class, so I reverted back to my old bad habits of no breakfast and crappy fast food lunch, and I felt AWFUL. I just felt gross, and bloated, and not even the yummy birthday cake sounded good after that day (I have take little nibbles throughout the day as it sits on my counter tempting me... thank heavens it is gone now!) I even had a couple diet cokes thinking it would settle my yucky feeling tummy, and nope. Still not craving my diet coke, I am done with it after a few sips. I have learned I like it much more when I only have it when I go out for dinner. So here are the pics, and the measurements. I have included both scales not sure how badly the old one if off (but pretty bad) but it is the scale that makes me feel better...

Weight - 177/169 lbs.
Neck - 13 ins.
Chest - 37 ins.
Waist - 36 ins.
Hips - 41 ins.
Arms - 13 ins.
Thighs - 22.5 ins.
WOW... I was just looking at those measurements, and it brought back memories of my modeling days. I had a 26 inch wait and they wanted to send my proofs to New York, but they couldn't until I was a 24 inch waist... Not sure why it reminded me of that... but thought it was funny, so I wanted to note it. (I had just had Tayler... so the fact I was still being considered for New York was HUGE, but not worth starving myself to get there)