Sunday, October 10, 2010


I am trying to keep up on my positive outlook, so I have been thinking of things I am grateful for... even if they seem silly...

I am grateful that I have fine blonde hair that I only have to shave once a month if that.

I am grateful my kids are healthy... although I think a dose of cough medicine on occasion would calm them down a bit and make my life a little easier.

I Love this Fall weather and look forward to a nice drive in the colourful canyons.

I am grateful for my respectful, polite children... I love hearing compliments about them, much better than complaints.

I am grateful for my hard working hubby, wish it was in him to slow down a little to spend more time with him though.

I love that my hubby and kids love to be with family, it makes me happy when my teenagers chose us over friends, although that is only on occasion.

I am grateful for the internet, I love keeping up with friends and family, and having such quick access to anything I could ever possibly need... just wish it wasn't so addicting and tempting...

I love all my talents, I love dancing, I love writing, I love being creative with scrapbooking, sewing, etc.... I wish I had more time to develop them, but how lucky I am to have the opportunity to develop them.

I am grateful my children are smart... sounds dumb, but I truly am, it makes it easier to get mad when they have bad grades because stupidity is not an excuse.

I am grateful I have good looking kids, because then I would worry even more when they leave the house wearing some of the things they wear... I mean really pants under a dress? People might think we were polygamists if she wasn't so cute!

I am grateful I had as much time with my mother as I did, and that ALL my children got to know her in their own way, I am blessed by all the things she taught me, although I am especially grateful she taught Kris to cook or we all might starve it it depended on me, and I am sure Kris wishes I learned to clean from her a bit better...

I am grateful for all my friends, old and new, current and past, they have all taught me something I remember them for... I wish I was in better touch with some of them though... maybe a party is in order?

I am grateful we live in a good area with good neighbors and good schools which provide good opportunities for my kids.

I am grateful I could go on and on...

I am grateful for a hubby to pry me away from this computer or I would still be typing on it...

I am not so grateful for housework that needs to be done however...

Day 73... grateful

1 comment:

  1. *gigglesnorts* Polygamists. I loved her walking around all wobbly in her heels on Sunday. What a cutie. :)
