Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Starting again...

So I think I have finally realized that if I want to accomplish any of my goals, my clean house, losing weight, getting back in shape, getting organized etc. It is going to be like starting fresh everyday. Whether the previous day was good or bad, it is going to be a fresh start each day.

With that in mind I have planned my menu for tomorrow... including snacks so that I can really make a good effort to lose this excess weight I complain about. Also I have packed a workout bag to keep with me so I can walk where I need, which will help lose weight and hopefully get me into shape.

Lastly as I am slowly completing rooms/projects in the house I decided my pathetic little "Helps" on house keeping, and cleaning, and organizing etc. (which really only helped me remember that I have been that way before and CAN get that way again)will be added to this page, as a record of what I accomplish and what works for me... then there may be a reason for friends to read this too, if any of this helps you...

Day 37... tomorrow's a new day (Thank goodness)

1 comment:

  1. A new day indeed:) I need to think that way!
