Sunday, April 18, 2010


I went running ONCE last week, and it felt sooo great. So why can't I make my self run everyday? I looked so awesome and wore so many cite clothes when I had followed weight watchers regularly so I can't I just watch what I eat? I think there are a couple things... 1 I lack motivation... so I read an article about my favorite person in the world (besides my family and friends of course) GWEN... she said her motivation was clothes to work out and stay in shape, she said it is no fun to design something you can't wear... and who would want to miss out on that? So I have hung up a couple of my favorite outfits around my room that I want to get back into, and a couple pictures of ones I want to buy to help me.

I think my other lack of motivation is I get distracted by this device I am playing on now. SO I have told myself I cannot play on it until I have ran... (just thought of this after I started this... so it will start to morrow)

My other problem is I need to focus on cleaning the house... I need to get it organized and make it my happy place, not somewhere I just want to curl up and hide, and eat. I am going to try to get one room finished a week... that may sound like I am taking on a lot, but I am trying to get it repainted and everything in that week... for the BIG rooms I will give me a month.

(I am still trying to NOT start every sentence with "so" and I am SOOO glad there is a delete button... I know I am still using it a lot mid sentence, but I will master that next.)

Day 34... SOOO

1 comment:

  1. Thats a good idea. I should put up a bikini above my room:) Maybe that will motivate me. lol Ya right!
