Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Some good, some bad

I am rocking the house clean-up... thanks to the in-laws coming for a visit... any motivation helps right? We re did the floor in the living room and entryway, and are going to finish it through the dining room and hall ways. I have gotten a good start on sorting out the basement... still more to go, but it is a start. The outside looks great too... but that is hubby's job, not mine.

Not so good... I am FAT... none of my clothes fit, and I feel like I am eating nothing but crap, and none of my clothes look flattering. I need to get to the gym, and I need to eat better... I start good one day, then not at all the next.

AHHH so if anyone wants to poke me and tell me to eat right go right ahead...

Day 35... ups and downs

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I went running ONCE last week, and it felt sooo great. So why can't I make my self run everyday? I looked so awesome and wore so many cite clothes when I had followed weight watchers regularly so I can't I just watch what I eat? I think there are a couple things... 1 I lack motivation... so I read an article about my favorite person in the world (besides my family and friends of course) GWEN... she said her motivation was clothes to work out and stay in shape, she said it is no fun to design something you can't wear... and who would want to miss out on that? So I have hung up a couple of my favorite outfits around my room that I want to get back into, and a couple pictures of ones I want to buy to help me.

I think my other lack of motivation is I get distracted by this device I am playing on now. SO I have told myself I cannot play on it until I have ran... (just thought of this after I started this... so it will start to morrow)

My other problem is I need to focus on cleaning the house... I need to get it organized and make it my happy place, not somewhere I just want to curl up and hide, and eat. I am going to try to get one room finished a week... that may sound like I am taking on a lot, but I am trying to get it repainted and everything in that week... for the BIG rooms I will give me a month.

(I am still trying to NOT start every sentence with "so" and I am SOOO glad there is a delete button... I know I am still using it a lot mid sentence, but I will master that next.)

Day 34... SOOO

Monday, April 5, 2010


So (I think I start every post with so... maybe I should get a new word) I blew off cleaning again, it will be much to my hubby's dismay, but I had so much fun getting with friends from work. I love getting to know them outside of work, and what a great bunch of ladies I work with!

Being a procrastinator (it was hard NOT starting that paragraph with so) I put off house cleaning yet another day... however I am going to paint the dining room tonight which will be sooo nice, after I make a huge push to finish my bedroom...

One room at a time right? I will start with my dining room and go from there, but it was soo fun it was well worth it!

Day 33... procrastination


So my big plans of spring cleaning while I was off have come down to one last day to cram... which really stinks because I had two invites to hang out with friends and family to do something FUN... but I felt I needed to turn them down to accomplish something in the housekeeping department... I just cannot motivate me to do this at all, I think it is truly just too overwhelming. SO I need advice, help anything motivating to convince me to get this done, so I don't miss out on precious time that could be better spent with friends and family!

Day 32... missing out on life to clean house...

Saturday, April 3, 2010


So reading is both good for me and bad... I get so caught up in what I am reading the rest of my life kinda goes to pot... but I love getting into a good book. So I figured since I wanted to improve myself on this blog and practice my writing, I would move my books I am reading and have read to this blog, since it is not my personal info, and then more people can comment on what I am reading so we can compare notes... I love discussing books too. So here it is, my newest blog feature... my library!

Day 31... my library

Skipped a day

So did you notice how I skipped my fourth day of my break that I was suppose to be cleaning? Well I skipped doing it as well as writing it... today I am getting ready for the Easter bunny to come, and prepping myself for the last 2 days I have off in which I hope miraculous cleaning will occur? Any bets?

Day 30... bring it on!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spring Clean day 3...

So day three was as uneventful as the first 2, we went from our girls sleep over to the boys April fools party, with only a few minutes in between to tidy up. My kitchen and living room are still pretty good... I will finish up the upstairs tomorrow and Saturday... since I will lose a couple kiddos tomorrow. We did ave a fun April fool's day though... and I think I made it a fun weekend for my cute nieces and nephews... next week we are going to do something fun with my other 2 nephews... So tomorrow is another day, and a fresh start!

Day 29... I am a fool thinking I could get sooo much accomplished...