Tuesday, April 19, 2011


So I am going on day 4 of being sick. I am so irritated because I am on spring break. I planned on getting lots accomplished on the house and cleaning and errands done... instead I feel like I am on my death bed... laying there hoping I don't cough, wishing my throat didn't hurt, debating if I need an extra blanket or to take off the sweatshirt. The last 4 days have been such a blur, I wasn't certain what day it was until I looked it up... I have many a weird fever induced dreams, realized I hadn't actually brushed my hair since Friday, and just now trying to clean some laundry that is still comfy for laying around ill.

Now to the goal... To simplify my major cleaning plans to include just the upstairs... I think that is still doable... with my kids help of course. Oh yeah, and I still have Easter shopping to do, and I wanted to get family pics done... another thing on hold... GRRRR

Day 108... feel better

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

All or Nothing

That has been how I lived my life since I can remember. My house is either ALL spotless and everything in it's place, or it is total chaos. I can either put everything into a project and get it done quickly, or I mentally shut down and can't motivate myself to do anything.

That is where I think I am at. I have mentally shut down. I am tired and exhausted by the end of each day, and find myself so tired I can barely keep my eyes open... until 3 am, when I can't get myself to go to sleep.

I am trying to arrange and work things out so a few things can happen. I can free up my schedule a little and be able to keep up on the house a little more. And I am trying to finish up projects on the house so we can get back to my organized life.

Kris was big on a little is better than none. He would get the worst part of the mess picked up and pile the rest for me to go through later... I hated it and it drove me crazy. Now I am wishing I could get it to that point... tidy, with a few piles... but clean. I now have a couple deadlines. I think that will help if anyone wants something to do next week let me know... I am sure I can use it.

Day 107... ALL

Monday, April 4, 2011


I am a list girl, my mom was a list person, Kris was NOT a list person, he would get annoyed. He thought I was more worried about the lists then just doing it to get them done.

I have so many lists I am tired of keeping track. A list for home improvements, a list for call I need to make, a list of appointments I need to keep, a grocery list for home depot, the grocery store, and a list of to get done for work, see now I am even making a list of my lists... will it never end?

I am starting to think my hubby had a point to forgetting about the lists and just doing what needs to be done (although the last few months he would get annoyed if I didn't make a list of which kids had to be where each day, he acted annoyed for a while so I stopped writing them, then when he said in a fight once how he missed things because I stopped making him a list, i told him I stopped cause he acted annoyed with it, he replied it was a to do list, of course I was annoyed... but I still did it and it helped me remember)

So here it is the goal behind this here rant. Condense lists. I see the usefulness in them, I just think perhaps I reply on them a little more than I should. Rather than trying to get them written so I can cross them off is not a good reason for them, writing them so I don't forget what I need to get done is a much better reason for them.

day 106... simplify lists